Name 韓傳孝
Office Tel No. 22112
Job Title Assistant Professor
Research Expertise 中藥本草學與民族藥物學、生化及藥物作用學、抗氧化與抗老化相關研究
Current Course SH20200 運動與健康管理(Exercise and Health Management)
MD6A300 行銷管理專題(Topics in Marketing Management)
MD5B800 溝通與表達 (Communication and Expression)
MA20800 運動保健之經營與管理(Management of Athletic Training & Health)
HS61800 天然草藥的膳食開發(Research in Development of Natural Herbal Medicine Diet)
VS01300 實務專題製作(一)(Study on Designated Subject (I))
Year Paper Title
2020 韓傳孝, 影響銀髮族選擇旅遊行程因素之探討, 專利與產學合作計畫報告, vol. 6, 1, pp. 38-53, Sep. 2020
2020 韓傳孝, 影響茹素因子之分析-以宜蘭地區為例, 觀光與休閒管理期刊, vol. 8, 1, pp. 146-163, Jun. 2020
2020 韓傳孝, 宜蘭縣素食餐廳成功經營關鍵因素之研究, 中華管理發展評論, vol. 9, 1, pp. 1-21, Jun. 2020
2019 韓傳孝, Anti-glycation, anti-hemolysis, and ORAC activities of demethylcurcumin and tetrahydroxycurcumin in vitro and reductions of oxidative stress in d-galactose-induced BALB/c mice in vivo, Botanical Studies, vol. 60, 9, Jun. 2019
2019 韓傳孝, 龍葵於養生藥膳之應用─宜蘭南澳地區之實證研究, 2019宜蘭學, Mar. 2019
2017 韓傳孝, RESEARCH ON KEY FACTORS OF COMMUNITY-BASED PHARMACIES MANAGEMENT SUCCESS IN TAIWAN, International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, vol. 3, 31, Jun. 2017
2017 韓傳孝, RESEARCH ON KEY FACTORS OF COMMUNITY-BASED PHARMACIES MANAGEMENT SUCCESS IN TAIWAN, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, vol. 31, 3, Jun. 2017
2016 韓傳孝, Synthesized Peptides from Yam Dioscorin Hydrolysis in Silico Exhibit Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitory Activities and Oral Glucose Tolerance Improvements in Normal Mice, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 33, 64, Sep. 2016
2015 韓傳孝, Vitis thunbergii var. taiwaniana Extracts and Purified Compounds Ameliorate Obesity in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice, J. Agric. Food Chem., vol. 63, 42, Oct. 2015
2014 韓傳孝, Effects of yam tuber protein, dioscorin, on attenuating oxidative status and learning dysfunction in d-galactose-induced BALB/c mice., Food and Chemical Toxicology, vol. ., 65, Jan. 2014
2014 韓傳孝, Antioxidant and antiglycation activities of the synthesised dipeptide, Asn-Trp, derived from computer-aided simulation of yam dioscorin hydrolysis and its analogue, Gln-Trp, Food Chemistry, vol. 15, 147, Jan. 2014
2014 韓傳孝, Asn-Trp dipeptides improve the oxidative stress and learning dysfunctions in d-galactose-induced BALB/c mice., Food & Function, vol. 9, 5, Jan. 2014
2013 韓傳孝, Antioxidant activities of the synthesized thiol-contained peptides derived from computer-aided pepsin hydrolysis of yam tuber storage protein, dioscorin, Food Chemistry, vol. 138, 42403, Oct. 2013
2013 韓傳孝, Inhibitory activities of acteoside, isoacteoside, and its structural constituents against proteinglycation in vitro., Botanical Studies, vol. 6, 54, Jan. 2013
2011 韓傳孝, Antihypertensive activities of processed garlic on spontaneously hypertensive rats and hypertensive humans, Botanical Studies, vol. ., 52, Jan. 2011
2009 韓傳孝, Flaxseed protein-derived peptide fractions: Antioxidant properties and inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in murine macrophages, Food Chemistry, vol. ., 116, Sep. 2009
2009 韓傳孝, Feeding trial of instant food containing lyophilized yam powder in hypertensive subjects, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, vol. ., 89, Jan. 2009
Year Paper Title
2018 韓傳孝, 四物、黨參及玉竹複方藥膳之成分與抗氧化活性之研究, 2018台灣食品科學技術學會, Nov. 30, 2018, 台灣
2016 韓傳孝, LEMONGRASS OIL OF ANTIOXIDATIVE ACTIVITY BY SPECTROMETER, XVII International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry (ISLS 2016), Nov. 22-25, 2016, Taiwan
2016 韓傳孝, 巴哈花精的抗氧化相關研究, 好話健康照護國際研討會, Mar. 05, 2016, 台灣
2016 韓傳孝, 檸檬香茅精油的抗氧化相關研究, 老化健康照護國際研討畫, Mar. 05, 2016, 台灣
Year Book Title
2015 、, 韓傳孝, 慈濟大學中草藥園藥用植物圖鑑(第一輯), 慈濟學校財團法人慈濟大學, Jan. 2015
Country School Name Department Degree
台北醫學大學 生藥學研究所 碩士 碩士
台北醫學大學 藥學系 博士 博士
中國醫藥 藥學系中國藥學組 學士 學士
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
專任 管理學系 助理教授 2024.02 ~ 2025.07
專任 健康與創意蔬食產業學系 助理教授 2024.02 ~ 2025.07
專任 管理學系 助理教授 2023.08 ~ 2024.01
專任 國際暨兩岸事務處 主任 2021.08 ~ 2022.08
專任 國際暨兩岸事務處 主任 2021.02 ~ 2021.02
專任 國際暨兩岸事務處 主任 2020.02 ~ 2021.07
專任 健康與創意蔬食產業學系 助理教授 2019.08 ~ 2024.01
專任 通識教育委員會 主任 2018.08 ~ 2020.01
專任 健康與創意素食產業學系 助理教授 2018.08 ~ 2019.07
專任 國際暨兩岸事務處 主任 2017.09 ~ 2018.01
專任 健康與創意素食產業學系 助理教授 2017.08 ~ 2019.07
專任 健康與創意素食產業學系 助理教授 2013.10 ~ 2017.07